Jane Sandberg

Getting XML holdings data out of the Evergreen ILS

As I work on discovery layer-related projects, I keep revisiting the question of what the best way to get holdings data from Evergreen is. EG gives us a number of options here; here’s what I’ve come across so far.


There are several options in the XML realm:


The atom-full version of Supercat includes holdings data.

I get my XML from a URL like this: http://libcat.linnbenton.edu/opac/extras/supercat/retrieve/atom-full/record/257595

Where libcat.linnbenton.edu is the name of my host, and 257595 is the TCN of the record I’m interested in.

I then use a bit of XPATH – something along these lines – to actually grab the holdings data:

XPATH: //open-ils:volume[@opac_visible=”t” and @deleted=”f”][@lib=”LBCCLIB”]//open-ils:status

Where open-ils namespace is set to http://open-ils.org/spec/holdings/v1 and LBCCLIB is the shortname for the branch I care about. Note that Supercat returns a lot of data, so it could be much faster.


A more documented standard! Gives you pretty much the same data, though





I had a request that our Find It interface include due dates for holdings that are checked out. Jason at Equinox suggested that I take a look at using OpenSRF to get these data:


Where 294385 is a TCN and 7 is our ou id.

The session key can actually be anything you want; it isn’t actually checked for authorization. This is the approach I use for the Evergreen Holdings Gem. Bill Erickson, Jason Stephenson, and Mike Rylander were kind enough to share some really helpful details about the many opensrf gateways that you can use with Evergreen.